"Crypto and Cocktails": The Reviews are In!

The reviews are in!
"Crypto and Cocktails" kicked off our FYI Insight Series™ with a bang! Our presenter, Cameron Shandersky, said it was the most interactive audience he has ever seen on cryptocurrency. He appreciated the interest and engagement of everyone who attended!
Attendees ranged from those with zero knowledge of cryptocurrency to one who was a crypto miner for Ethereum!
Comments from attendees:
"I want to go to ARTclectic Art Gallery again for the incredible experience. I thought the atmosphere was perfect! Not too much information at once, and NO sales pitch, it was fun!"
"Cameron was a superior presenter and really knew his stuff. What a good guy!"
Cameron will be back to the gallery for an in-depth presentation and discussion on Art and NFTs, a subject matter he is very familiar with. He is scheduled to make a full-length presentation on NFTs at the Cincinnati Art Museum on Wednesday, September 14th.
Sign up for announcements of our next FYI Insight Series™ event: https://www.artclecticgallery.com/keep-me-informed/